ToastManne'n & Mimmis Nachos
ToastManne'n & Mimmis Nachos
ToastManne'n and Mimmis Nachos are a food truck businesses who visit festivals all over the long land of Sweden, with a home base at Sweden Rock Festival in Norje, south of Sweden.
ToastManne'n was the first business opening at their first festival – Sweden Rock festival. After a couple of years they also opened Mimmis Nachos and they painted their billboards by hand at first. After a while they felt they needed an identity for Mimmis Nachos, and renew their old logo ToastManne'n to fit the sister business.
Together with the logos, I designed menu roll-ups for the side of the vans, food boxes, food wrapping, coffee cups and pictograms – for a complete festival feeling.
Old design of food truck menus and roll-ups

New design with current roll-ups, menus and logos

ToastManne'n Logo
They were keen on keeping their original ToastManne'n logo as it was, but I gave them a suggestion with a better touch and feel, and coherent with the logo for Mimmis Nachos.

Mimmis Nachos Logo
The client didn't like the classic nacho logo, and wanted something edgier – spicier? Because the client also ordered a roll-up menu, the width of the menu is only 60cm, and I felt the logo would be more visible if it wasn't as narrow in height as the ToastManne'n logo. We also wanted colors to go together with the existing ToastManne'n logo (black, red and grey), but also be visible in the festival area. Therefore I found the yellow and red together creating a harmony.

Chilli pattern
The chilli pattern can be used on food boxes, wrapping, napkins, coffee cups and other merchandise.

Logotypes in black and white
On t-shirts, caps and smaller things, it's sometimes better to have a one colored logo. I tried to keep it simple and visible.

Pictograms for the menu
The pictograms represent the festival spirit, music, food, nachos, toast and the ingredients of the foods served.

Pattern from the R-icon, connected to eachother with the thread. Visible on business card and tote bag, but also useful for other bags and merchandise.